Matte: download

You can download Matte for free and run it on your own web server. Matte has been tested extensively on Linux and Mac OS X. It also runs on Windows, and should run on any platform with a Java 5 runtime.


Matte is a 100% Java web application that requires a relational database. Currently the requirements are as follows:

Java 5+

Get the appropriate Java JDK/JRE for your server platform, for example from Sun or IBM.


Matte has been tested with both the 7.4 and 8.1 series of PostgreSQL. You can download PostgreSQL from

Matte has also been tested with MySQL 4.1. You can download MySQL from

Note Matte can easily run in other databases. If you are familiar with Hibernate then you should be able to alter the Matte configuration to use any database system Hibernate supports.

Java servlet container
Matte is distributed as a Java web application (WAR). To use this you'll need a servlet container to deploy it into. Matte has been extensively tested with the Tomcat 5.5 server. Any J2EE servlet container should work, however.
Web browser
The main media organization UI has been tested and is known to work in the Firefox (1.5+) and Safari (2+) web browsers. When sharing albums, browser requirements depend on the theme being used. The default built-in Woosh theme is known to work in Firefox, Safari, and IE (6+).


You can download Matte from SourceForge. The binary package (named like matte-1.0.0.tbz2) contains the Matte WAR along with instructions for getting your installation going for the first time. The source package (named like matte-1.0.0-src.tbz2) contains all of Matte source code.

For installation instructions look in the README file that comes in each distribution.

Live Demo

Alternatively, if you just want to try out Matte, you can download Live Demo package that requires only you have a Java 5 Runtime Environment (i.e. version 1.5) installed. The Live Demo uses an embedded database to store data, and acts as a fully-functional deployment of Matte. Visit the Live Demo download page to download. Logo