Interface IOBiz.TwoPhaseExportRequest

All Superinterfaces:
Enclosing interface:

public static interface IOBiz.TwoPhaseExportRequest
extends WorkBiz.WorkRequest

Extension of WorkBiz.WorkRequest to allow for two-phase export media reqeust handling.

Two phase exports work by submitting a null MediaResponse to IOBiz.exportItems(ExportItemsCommand, MediaRequest, MediaResponse, BizContext). When this is done, the export will not begin, but the WorkBiz.WorkRequest instance returned by WorkBiz.WorkInfo.getWorkRequest() will implement this interface as well. Calling the setMediaResponse(MediaResponse) will then trigger the export to start. This can be useful in situations where the work ticket is desired, to pass back to the UI layer, before then requesting the actual work to start.

Method Summary
 void setMediaResponse(MediaResponse response)
          Set the MediaResponse.
Methods inherited from interface
canStart, getAmountCompleted, getDisplayName, getMessage, getObjectIdList, getPriority, isTransactional, startWork

Method Detail


void setMediaResponse(MediaResponse response)
Set the MediaResponse.

This can be used when exporting media to handle two-phase export requests.

response - the MediaResponse to set