Uses of Interface

Packages that use User   

Uses of User in

Methods in that return User
 User UserBiz.confirmForgotPassword(java.lang.String login, java.lang.String confirmationCode, java.lang.String newPassword, BizContext context)
          Confirm a forgotten password.
 User UserBiz.confirmRegisteredUser(java.lang.String login, java.lang.String confirmationCode, BizContext context)
          Confirm a registered user.
 User BizContext.getActingUser()
          Get the acting user.
 User UserBiz.getAnonymousUser()
          Get an anonymous user object.
 User UserBiz.getUserByAnonymousKey(java.lang.String key)
          Get a User by its anonymous key.
 User UserBiz.getUserById(java.lang.Long userId, BizContext context)
          Get a User by its ID.
 User UserBiz.logonUser(java.lang.String login, java.lang.String password)
          Authenticate a user by their username and password.
 User DomainObjectFactory.newUserInstance()
          Get a new User instance.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type User
 java.util.List<User> UserBiz.getUsersWithAccess(int level)
          Get a list of User objects that have a specific access level.

Methods in with parameters of type User
 int IOBiz.clearCacheFiles(User user, java.util.Set<MediaSize> ofSize)
          Clear all cache files for a particular user, optionally of a particular size only.
 java.util.List<Album> UserBiz.getAlbumsForUser(User user, BizContext context)
          Get all albums for a given user.
 java.util.List<Collection> UserBiz.getCollectionsForUser(User user, BizContext context)
          Get all collections for a given user.
 java.util.Locale UserBiz.getUserLocale(User user, BizContext context)
          Get the Locale for a User.
 boolean UserBiz.hasAccessLevel(User user, int level)
          Return true if the supplied user has the specified access level.
 boolean UserBiz.isAnonymousUser(User user)
          Test if a User is an anonoymous user.
 Collection UserBiz.newCollectionForUser(Collection collection, User user, BizContext context)
          Create a new Collection for a given user.
 java.lang.String UserBiz.registerUser(User user, BizContext context)
          Register a new user.
 java.lang.Long UserBiz.storeUser(User user, BizContext context)
          Store a User in the back end.

Uses of User in

Methods in that return User
 User UserBizImpl.confirmForgotPassword(java.lang.String login, java.lang.String confirmationCode, java.lang.String newPassword, BizContext context)
 User UserBizImpl.confirmRegisteredUser(java.lang.String login, java.lang.String confirmationCode, BizContext context)
 User UserBizImpl.getAnonymousUser()
 User UserBizImpl.getUserByAnonymousKey(java.lang.String key)
 User UserBizImpl.getUserById(java.lang.Long userId, BizContext context)
 User UserBizImpl.logonUser(java.lang.String login, java.lang.String password)
 User JAXBDomainObjectFactory.newUserInstance()

Methods in that return types with arguments of type User
 java.util.List<User> UserBizImpl.getUsersWithAccess(int level)

Methods in with parameters of type User
 int IOBizImpl.clearCacheFiles(User user, java.util.Set<MediaSize> ofSize)
 java.util.List<Album> UserBizImpl.getAlbumsForUser(User user, BizContext context)
 java.util.List<Collection> UserBizImpl.getCollectionsForUser(User user, BizContext context)
 java.util.Locale UserBizImpl.getUserLocale(User user, BizContext context)
 boolean UserBizImpl.hasAccessLevel(User user, int level)
 boolean UserBizImpl.isAnonymousUser(User user)
 Collection UserBizImpl.newCollectionForUser(Collection collection, User user, BizContext context)
 java.lang.String UserBizImpl.registerUser(User user, BizContext context)
 java.lang.Long UserBizImpl.storeUser(User user, BizContext context)

Uses of User in magoffin.matt.ma2.dao

Methods in magoffin.matt.ma2.dao that return User
 User UserDao.getUserByEmail(java.lang.String email)
          Get a user by an email.
 User UserDao.getUserByKey(java.lang.String key)
          Get a user by anonymous key.
 User UserDao.getUserByLogin(java.lang.String login)
          Get a user by a login name.

Methods in magoffin.matt.ma2.dao that return types with arguments of type User
 java.util.List<User> UserDao.deleteUnconfirmedRegistrations(int minDaysOld)
          Delete registered users that are unconfirmed and created longer than the specified number of days ago.
 java.util.List<User> UserDao.findUsersForAccess(java.lang.Integer accessLevel)
          Find all users for a given access level.

Uses of User in magoffin.matt.ma2.dao.hbm

Methods in magoffin.matt.ma2.dao.hbm that return User
 User HibernateUserDao.getUserByEmail(java.lang.String email)
 User HibernateUserDao.getUserByKey(java.lang.String key)
 User HibernateUserDao.getUserByLogin(java.lang.String login)

Methods in magoffin.matt.ma2.dao.hbm that return types with arguments of type User
 java.util.List<User> HibernateUserDao.deleteUnconfirmedRegistrations(int minDaysOld)
 java.util.List<User> HibernateUserDao.findUsersForAccess(java.lang.Integer accessLevel)

Methods in magoffin.matt.ma2.dao.hbm with parameters of type User
protected  java.lang.Long HibernateUserDao.getPrimaryKey(User domainObject)

Method parameters in magoffin.matt.ma2.dao.hbm with type arguments of type User
 magoffin.matt.dao.BatchableDao.BatchResult HibernateUserDao.batchProcess(magoffin.matt.dao.BatchableDao.BatchCallback<User> callback, magoffin.matt.dao.BatchableDao.BatchOptions options)

Uses of User in magoffin.matt.ma2.domain

Subinterfaces of User in magoffin.matt.ma2.domain
 interface UserSearchResult
          Java content class for user-search-result complex type.

Methods in magoffin.matt.ma2.domain that return User
 User ObjectFactory.createUser()
          Create an instance of User
 User UiSession.getActingUser()
          Gets the value of the actingUser property.
 User UserComment.getCommentingUser()
          Gets the value of the commentingUser property.
 User Album.getOwner()
          Gets the value of the owner property.
 User Collection.getOwner()
          Gets the value of the owner property.
 User Theme.getOwner()
          Gets the value of the owner property.
 User MediaItemRating.getRatingUser()
          Gets the value of the ratingUser property.
 User UserTag.getTaggingUser()
          Gets the value of the taggingUser property.
 User UiEdit.getUser()
          Gets the value of the user property.

Methods in magoffin.matt.ma2.domain with parameters of type User
 void UiSession.setActingUser(User value)
          Sets the value of the actingUser property.
 void UserComment.setCommentingUser(User value)
          Sets the value of the commentingUser property.
 void Album.setOwner(User value)
          Sets the value of the owner property.
 void Collection.setOwner(User value)
          Sets the value of the owner property.
 void Theme.setOwner(User value)
          Sets the value of the owner property.
 void MediaItemRating.setRatingUser(User value)
          Sets the value of the ratingUser property.
 void UserTag.setTaggingUser(User value)
          Sets the value of the taggingUser property.
 void UiEdit.setUser(User value)
          Sets the value of the user property.

Uses of User in

Methods in that return User
 User BasicBizContext.getActingUser()

Methods in with parameters of type User
 void BasicBizContext.setActingUser(User user)
          Set the acting user.

Uses of User in magoffin.matt.ma2.web.util

Methods in magoffin.matt.ma2.web.util with parameters of type User
 void WebHelper.saveUserSession(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, User user)
          Save the action user to session.