Package magoffin.matt.ma2.web

Class Summary
AbstractCommandController Abstract base class for command controllers.
AbstractController Abstract base class for command controllers.
AbstractForm Abstract base class for form controllers.
AbstractWizardForm Base class for Media Album wizard form controllers.
AddCommentForm Form controller for adding user comments to media items.
AlbumForm Form controller for administering album details.
AlbumForm.Command The command class.
BrowseAlbumsController Controller for browsing albums.
CollectionForm Form controller for administering collection details.
CollectionForm.Command The command class.
DownloadItemsForm Form controller for downloading a set of media items.
DownloadThemeController Controller to download a Theme archive.
DownloadThemeController.Command Command object.
DynamicThemeResourceController Controller to render dynamic content, such as JavaScript or CSS, for a theme.
DynamicThemeResourceController.Command Command class.
ForgotPasswordConfirmForm Controller for confirming a forgotten password, and resetting the password.
ForgotPasswordForm Form controller for resetting a user's password.
HelpController Controller for returning dynamic help.
HelpController.Command Command class.
HomeController Home controller.
HomeController.Command Command class.
HomeController.PostProcessor A XDataPostProcessor implementation that ensures the home view has the user's data (like collections, albums, etc) populated.
LogoffController Controller to handle logging a user out.
LogonForm Form controller for logging into the application.
MediaServerController Controller for serving up media items.
MediaServerController.Command Command for MediaServer.
MoveItemsForm Form controller for moving items into a new Collection.
PreferencesForm Form controller for editing overall user preferences.
RegisterConfirmController Controller for handing the registration confirmation request.
RegisterForm Wizard form controller for registering as a new user.
SetupWizard Wizard for configuring Matte options, when running for the first time.
SetupWizard.Command Command object for SetupWizard.
SetupWizard.SetupCommandValidator Validator class for SetupCommand.
ShadowServerController Controller for serving up media item shadows.
ShadowServerController.Command Command class for shadow server.
SortAlbumsForm Controller to save the ordering of child albums within an album.
SortAlbumsForm.AlbumData Album sort data structure.
SortAlbumsForm.Command Command class.
SortMediaItemsForm Controller to save the ordering of child albums within an album.
SortMediaItemsForm.Command Command class.
SortMediaItemsForm.MediaItemData MediaItem sort data structure.
ThemeResourceController Controller for returning Matte theme resources.
ThemeResourceController.Command Command object.
UploadMediaForm Form controller uploading new media items.
UserResourceController Controller for returning Matte user resources.
UserResourceController.Command Command object.
ViewAlbumController Controller for viewing a shared album or a virtual album by way of a BrowseModePlugin.
ViewAlbumController.Command Command class.
ViewSettingsForm Form controller for updating the current (session only) view settings.
ViewSettingsForm.Command Command class.

Exception Summary
NoUserSessionException Exception thrown when no Session is available in the current HttpSession.