Uses of BizContext in magoffin.matt.ma2.aop |
Methods in magoffin.matt.ma2.aop with parameters of type BizContext | |
protected abstract boolean |
AbstractSecurityInterceptor.isAllowed(org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation invocation,
BizContext context)
Return true if the method invocation should be allowed. |
protected boolean |
AlbumSecurityInterceptor.isAllowed(org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation invocation,
BizContext context)
protected boolean |
MediaItemSecurityInterceptor.isAllowed(org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation invocation,
BizContext context)
Uses of BizContext in magoffin.matt.ma2.biz |
Methods in magoffin.matt.ma2.biz with parameters of type BizContext | |
int |
MediaBiz.addMediaItemsToAlbum(Album album,
java.lang.Long[] mediaItemIds,
BizContext context)
Add a set of media items to an album. |
User |
UserBiz.confirmForgotPassword(java.lang.String login,
java.lang.String confirmationCode,
java.lang.String newPassword,
BizContext context)
Confirm a forgotten password. |
User |
UserBiz.confirmRegisteredUser(java.lang.String login,
java.lang.String confirmationCode,
BizContext context)
Confirm a registered user. |
Album |
MediaBiz.deleteAlbum(java.lang.Long albumId,
BizContext context)
Delete an album, and any nested albums. |
java.util.List<MediaItem> |
MediaBiz.deleteCollectionAndItems(java.lang.Long collectionId,
BizContext context)
Delete a Collection and physically delete the media items in the collection. |
int |
MediaBiz.deleteMediaItems(java.lang.Long[] itemIds,
BizContext context)
Physically delete media items. |
void |
SystemBiz.deleteTheme(Theme theme,
BizContext context)
Delete a Theme. |
WorkBiz.WorkInfo |
IOBiz.exportItems(ExportItemsCommand command,
MediaRequest request,
MediaResponse response,
BizContext context)
Export a set of media items as a Zip archive. |
WorkBiz.WorkInfo |
IOBiz.exportMedia(MediaRequest request,
MediaResponse response,
BizContext context)
Export media from the application. |
void |
SystemBiz.exportTheme(Theme theme,
java.io.OutputStream out,
java.io.File baseDirectory,
BizContext context)
Export a Theme, and associated resources. |
SearchResults |
SearchBiz.findAlbums(SearchBiz.AlbumSearchCriteria criteria,
PaginationCriteria pagination,
BizContext context)
Search for albums. |
SearchResults |
SearchBiz.findAlbumsForBrowsing(BrowseAlbumsCommand command,
PaginationCriteria pagination,
BizContext context)
Search for shared albums for browsing. |
SearchResults |
SearchBiz.findMediaItems(SearchBiz.MediaItemSearchCriteria criteria,
PaginationCriteria pagination,
BizContext context)
Search for media items. |
SearchResults |
SearchBiz.findUsersForIndex(PaginationCriteria pagination,
BizContext context)
Get an index of UserSearchResult objects. |
java.lang.String |
UserBiz.forgotPassword(java.lang.String login,
BizContext context)
Call to email a user a link with a one-time password. |
Album |
MediaBiz.getAlbum(java.lang.Long albumId,
BizContext context)
Get an Album. |
Album |
MediaBiz.getAlbumParent(java.lang.Long childAlbumId,
BizContext context)
Get the parent of an album, if one exists. |
java.util.List<Album> |
UserBiz.getAlbumsForUser(User user,
BizContext context)
Get all albums for a given user. |
java.util.List<KeyNameType> |
MediaBiz.getAlbumSortTypes(BizContext context)
Get the list of support album sort types. |
Album |
MediaBiz.getAlbumWithItems(java.lang.Long albumId,
BizContext context)
Get an Album along with the MediaItems of that album. |
Collection |
UserBiz.getCollection(java.lang.Long collectionId,
BizContext context)
Get a single collection. |
java.io.File |
UserBiz.getCollectionDirectory(Collection collection,
BizContext context)
Get the directory for a given collection. |
java.util.List<Collection> |
UserBiz.getCollectionsForUser(User user,
BizContext context)
Get all collections for a given user. |
Collection |
MediaBiz.getCollectionWithItems(java.lang.Long collectionId,
BizContext context)
Get a Collection along with the MediaItems of that collection. |
java.util.List<MediaItem> |
MediaBiz.getMediaItemsForAlbum(Album album,
BizContext context)
Get all MediaItems that belong to a given Album. |
java.util.List<MediaItem> |
MediaBiz.getMediaItemsForCollection(Collection collection,
BizContext context)
Get all MediaItems that belong to a given Collection. |
MediaItem |
MediaBiz.getMediaItemWithInfo(java.lang.Long itemId,
BizContext context)
Get a MediaItem along with the meta data and other info populated. |
Album |
MediaBiz.getSharedAlbum(java.lang.String key,
BizContext context)
Get a shared album. |
java.lang.String |
SystemBiz.getSharedAlbumUrl(Album album,
BizContext context)
Get the Matte URL for a shared album. |
org.springframework.core.io.Resource |
SystemBiz.getThemeResource(Theme theme,
java.lang.String path,
BizContext context)
Get a Theme resource. |
User |
UserBiz.getUserById(java.lang.Long userId,
BizContext context)
Get a User by its ID. |
java.util.Locale |
UserBiz.getUserLocale(User user,
BizContext context)
Get the Locale for a User. |
WorkBiz.WorkInfo |
IOBiz.importMedia(AddMediaCommand command,
BizContext context)
Import media into the application. |
void |
MediaBiz.moveMediaItems(MoveItemsCommand command,
BizContext context)
Move a set of media items from the collection they currently are in to a different collection. |
Collection |
UserBiz.newCollectionForUser(Collection collection,
User user,
BizContext context)
Create a new Collection for a given user. |
WorkBiz.WorkInfo |
IndexBiz.recreateMediaItemIndex(BizContext context)
Rebuild the entire MediaItem index. |
WorkBiz.WorkInfo |
IndexBiz.recreateUserIndex(BizContext context)
Rebuild the entire user index. |
java.lang.String |
UserBiz.registerUser(User user,
BizContext context)
Register a new user. |
int |
MediaBiz.removeMediaItemsFromAlbum(java.lang.Long albumId,
java.lang.Long[] itemIds,
BizContext context)
Remove a list of item IDs from an Album. |
void |
UserBiz.removeUser(java.lang.Long userId,
BizContext context)
Remove a User from the back end. |
java.lang.String |
MediaBiz.shareAlbum(ShareAlbumCommand command,
BizContext context)
Share an album. |
java.lang.Long |
MediaBiz.storeAlbum(Album album,
BizContext context)
Store an Album. |
void |
MediaBiz.storeAlbumOrdering(SortAlbumsCommand command,
BizContext context)
Set the ording for the child albums of an album. |
void |
MediaBiz.storeAlbumParent(java.lang.Long childAlbumId,
java.lang.Long parentAlbumId,
BizContext context)
Make an album a child of another album. |
java.lang.Long |
UserBiz.storeCollection(Collection collection,
BizContext context)
Store a collection in the back end. |
void |
MediaBiz.storeMediaItemInfo(MediaInfoCommand command,
BizContext context)
Store info for media items. |
void |
MediaBiz.storeMediaItemOrdering(SortMediaItemsCommand command,
BizContext context)
Set the ording for the media items of an album. |
void |
MediaBiz.storeMediaItemPoster(java.lang.Long itemId,
java.lang.Long albumId,
BizContext context)
Store the poster item for an album. |
void |
MediaBiz.storeMediaItemRating(java.lang.Long[] itemIds,
short rating,
BizContext context)
Set the rating for a media item. |
void |
MediaBiz.storeMediaItemUserComment(UserCommentCommand command,
BizContext context)
Add a new UserComment to a MediaItem. |
java.lang.Long |
SystemBiz.storeTheme(AddThemeCommand themeCommand,
BizContext context)
Store a Theme, and associated resources, in the back end. |
java.lang.Long |
SystemBiz.storeTheme(Theme theme,
BizContext context)
Store a Theme in the back end. |
java.lang.Long |
UserBiz.storeUser(User user,
BizContext context)
Store a User in the back end. |
void |
UserBiz.storeUserPreferences(PreferencesCommand command,
BizContext context)
Store user preferences in the back end. |
void |
MediaBiz.unShareAlbum(java.lang.Long albumId,
BizContext context)
Unshare an album. |
Uses of BizContext in magoffin.matt.ma2.biz.impl |
Methods in magoffin.matt.ma2.biz.impl with parameters of type BizContext | |
int |
MediaBizImpl.addMediaItemsToAlbum(Album album,
java.lang.Long[] mediaItemIds,
BizContext context)
User |
UserBizImpl.confirmForgotPassword(java.lang.String login,
java.lang.String confirmationCode,
java.lang.String newPassword,
BizContext context)
User |
UserBizImpl.confirmRegisteredUser(java.lang.String login,
java.lang.String confirmationCode,
BizContext context)
Album |
MediaBizImpl.deleteAlbum(java.lang.Long albumId,
BizContext context)
java.util.List<MediaItem> |
MediaBizImpl.deleteCollectionAndItems(java.lang.Long collectionId,
BizContext context)
int |
MediaBizImpl.deleteMediaItems(java.lang.Long[] itemIds,
BizContext context)
void |
SystemBizImpl.deleteTheme(Theme theme,
BizContext context)
WorkBiz.WorkInfo |
IOBizImpl.exportItems(ExportItemsCommand command,
MediaRequest request,
MediaResponse response,
BizContext context)
WorkBiz.WorkInfo |
IOBizImpl.exportMedia(MediaRequest request,
MediaResponse response,
BizContext context)
void |
SystemBizImpl.exportTheme(Theme theme,
java.io.OutputStream out,
java.io.File baseDirectory,
BizContext context)
SearchResults |
AbstractSearchBiz.findAlbums(SearchBiz.AlbumSearchCriteria criteria,
PaginationCriteria pagination,
BizContext context)
SearchResults |
AbstractSearchBiz.findAlbumsForBrowsing(BrowseAlbumsCommand command,
PaginationCriteria pagination,
BizContext context)
java.lang.String |
UserBizImpl.forgotPassword(java.lang.String login,
BizContext context)
Album |
MediaBizImpl.getAlbum(java.lang.Long albumId,
BizContext context)
Album |
MediaBizImpl.getAlbumParent(java.lang.Long childAlbumId,
BizContext context)
java.util.List<Album> |
UserBizImpl.getAlbumsForUser(User user,
BizContext context)
java.util.List<KeyNameType> |
MediaBizImpl.getAlbumSortTypes(BizContext context)
Album |
MediaBizImpl.getAlbumWithItems(java.lang.Long albumId,
BizContext context)
Collection |
UserBizImpl.getCollection(java.lang.Long collectionId,
BizContext context)
java.io.File |
UserBizImpl.getCollectionDirectory(Collection collection,
BizContext context)
java.util.List<Collection> |
UserBizImpl.getCollectionsForUser(User user,
BizContext context)
Collection |
MediaBizImpl.getCollectionWithItems(java.lang.Long collectionId,
BizContext context)
java.util.List<MediaItem> |
MediaBizImpl.getMediaItemsForAlbum(Album album,
BizContext context)
java.util.List<MediaItem> |
MediaBizImpl.getMediaItemsForCollection(Collection collection,
BizContext context)
MediaItem |
MediaBizImpl.getMediaItemWithInfo(java.lang.Long itemId,
BizContext context)
Album |
MediaBizImpl.getSharedAlbum(java.lang.String key,
BizContext context)
java.lang.String |
SystemBizImpl.getSharedAlbumUrl(Album album,
BizContext context)
org.springframework.core.io.Resource |
SystemBizImpl.getThemeResource(Theme theme,
java.lang.String path,
BizContext context)
User |
UserBizImpl.getUserById(java.lang.Long userId,
BizContext context)
java.util.Locale |
UserBizImpl.getUserLocale(User user,
BizContext context)
WorkBiz.WorkInfo |
IOBizImpl.importMedia(AddMediaCommand command,
BizContext context)
void |
MediaBizImpl.moveMediaItems(MoveItemsCommand command,
BizContext context)
Collection |
UserBizImpl.newCollectionForUser(Collection collection,
User user,
BizContext context)
java.lang.String |
UserBizImpl.registerUser(User user,
BizContext context)
int |
MediaBizImpl.removeMediaItemsFromAlbum(java.lang.Long albumId,
java.lang.Long[] itemIds,
BizContext context)
void |
UserBizImpl.removeUser(java.lang.Long userId,
BizContext context)
java.lang.String |
MediaBizImpl.shareAlbum(ShareAlbumCommand command,
BizContext context)
java.lang.Long |
MediaBizImpl.storeAlbum(Album album,
BizContext context)
void |
MediaBizImpl.storeAlbumOrdering(SortAlbumsCommand command,
BizContext context)
void |
MediaBizImpl.storeAlbumParent(java.lang.Long childAlbumId,
java.lang.Long parentAlbumId,
BizContext context)
java.lang.Long |
UserBizImpl.storeCollection(Collection collection,
BizContext context)
void |
MediaBizImpl.storeMediaItemInfo(MediaInfoCommand command,
BizContext context)
void |
MediaBizImpl.storeMediaItemOrdering(SortMediaItemsCommand command,
BizContext context)
void |
MediaBizImpl.storeMediaItemPoster(java.lang.Long itemId,
java.lang.Long albumId,
BizContext context)
void |
MediaBizImpl.storeMediaItemRating(java.lang.Long[] itemIds,
short rating,
BizContext context)
void |
MediaBizImpl.storeMediaItemUserComment(UserCommentCommand command,
BizContext context)
java.lang.Long |
SystemBizImpl.storeTheme(AddThemeCommand themeCommand,
BizContext context)
java.lang.Long |
SystemBizImpl.storeTheme(Theme theme,
BizContext context)
java.lang.Long |
UserBizImpl.storeUser(User user,
BizContext context)
void |
UserBizImpl.storeUserPreferences(PreferencesCommand command,
BizContext context)
void |
MediaBizImpl.unShareAlbum(java.lang.Long albumId,
BizContext context)
Uses of BizContext in magoffin.matt.ma2.lucene |
Methods in magoffin.matt.ma2.lucene with parameters of type BizContext | |
SearchResults |
LuceneBiz.findMediaItems(SearchBiz.MediaItemSearchCriteria criteria,
PaginationCriteria pagination,
BizContext context)
SearchResults |
LuceneBiz.findUsersForIndex(PaginationCriteria pagination,
BizContext context)
WorkBiz.WorkInfo |
LuceneBiz.recreateMediaItemIndex(BizContext context)
WorkBiz.WorkInfo |
LuceneBiz.recreateUserIndex(BizContext context)
Uses of BizContext in magoffin.matt.ma2.support |
Classes in magoffin.matt.ma2.support that implement BizContext | |
class |
Basic implementation of BizContext interface. |
class |
BizContext implementation for interal application use. |
Uses of BizContext in magoffin.matt.ma2.util |
Methods in magoffin.matt.ma2.util that return BizContext | |
static BizContext |
Get the BizContext previously set via BizContextUtil.attachBizContext(BizContext) . |
Methods in magoffin.matt.ma2.util with parameters of type BizContext | |
static void |
BizContextUtil.attachBizContext(BizContext context)
Set a BizContext for the current thread. |
Uses of BizContext in magoffin.matt.ma2.web |
Methods in magoffin.matt.ma2.web with parameters of type BizContext | |
protected void |
AbstractCommandController.registerCalendarEditor(org.springframework.web.bind.ServletRequestDataBinder binder,
BizContext context,
magoffin.matt.util.ThreadSafeDateFormat format,
java.util.TimeZone zone)
Register a CalendarEditor property editor for Calendar bean properties. |
protected void |
AbstractForm.registerCalendarEditor(org.springframework.web.bind.ServletRequestDataBinder binder,
BizContext context,
magoffin.matt.util.ThreadSafeDateFormat format,
java.util.TimeZone zone)
Register a CalendarEditor property editor for Calendar bean properties. |
Uses of BizContext in magoffin.matt.ma2.web.util |
Classes in magoffin.matt.ma2.web.util that implement BizContext | |
class |
BizContext for web layer. |
Methods in magoffin.matt.ma2.web.util that return BizContext | |
BizContext |
WebHelper.getAdminBizContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
Get an admin-level BizContext for the current request. |
BizContext |
WebHelper.getAnonymousBizContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
Get a BizContext for the current request that can be an anonymous user even if anonymous features are disabled. |
BizContext |
WebHelper.getBizContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
boolean userRequired)
Get a BizContext for the current request. |
BizContext |
WebHelper.getBizContextWithViewSettings(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
Get a BizContext for the current request, checking that a Session
object exists on the HttpSession. |
Methods in magoffin.matt.ma2.web.util with parameters of type BizContext | |
JobInfo |
WebHelper.createJobInfo(BizContext context,
java.lang.Long ticket)
Create a JobInfo instance from a WorkInfo instance. |